Three Reasons To Avoid “Big Box” Websites For Your Wedding Invitations

When it comes to nuptial celebrations, things need to be done perfectly. This is especially true when it comes to your wedding invitations, which are the first things your guests will see!

And if you’re thinking of getting a pre-made design, you might want to think again. Here are three reasons why you should avoid invitation websites, and instead pay a visit to a stationery designer.

  1. Limited Stationery Choices

    While invitation websites may offer a wide variety of items, they are generally limited in what they offer in the way of wedding invitations. Chances are that everyone else who uses these sites will be able to find something similar to what you choose because there is not a large selection of unique or customized designs available.

    Wedding invitation wording might also be limited and it can be hard for the couple to express their individuality and authenticity.

  2. You Can’t Really Do Customization

    If you want your invitations to fit within your theme and feel like an extension of your style, then you can’t afford to leave them up to invitation websites. They typically have very few options when it comes to customization, which means you will be stuck with designs that don’t quite match what you wanted for your special day.

  3. Inability To Work Directly With A Person

    Most of the time, invitation websites do not allow you to work directly with a designer or stationer. Instead, you're expected to fill out an online form with all your wording and wedding details and then wait for proof. If you have any questions during the process, you have to submit them online and wait for a response.

    This is frustrating for many couples who prefer to work with someone directly on their wedding invitations, as well as those who have design ideas but need some help bringing them to life.

    If you're looking to announce your news in style and make a statement, there's no better option than buying directly from a stationery designer. With personalized service, top-quality materials, and expert craftsmanship, they can provide everything you need at an affordable price.

Why go with a stationery designer?

  • Personalized service

When you buy your invitations from a stationery designer, you'll have a real person who is prepared to work directly with you to ensure you get the design and layout that you want.

Stationery designers have the experience and expertise to make sure your invitations come out perfectly. As an added bonus, they can often provide other services, such as design consultation or wedding day materials.

  • Top-quality materials

The best stationery designers use high-quality materials like heavy card stock, thick envelopes, and double-sided printing to ensure your wedding invitations look their best. Using premium materials helps give your invitations a professional look that will impress your guests.

It also means that they'll stand up to any inconvenience during transport and arrive looking their best. If you're planning a destination wedding or sending invitations to recipients across the country, these are important considerations!

  • Expert craftsmanship

A good stationery designer has the skills and experience to make sure all the elements come together perfectly in order to create an invitation suite that looks great, unlike invitations websites. Professionals know the best practices for designing, printing, and assembling invitations so yours will turn out just as you'd hoped.

If you're looking for a customized experience, feel free to inquire! I can't wait to hear from you.


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